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Acer davidii Serendipity
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Acer davidii Serendipity

Snakebark maple tree
Acer freemanii x Star Bright hybrid
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Acer freemanii x Star Bright hybrid

Acer freemanii x Star Bright hybrid, variegated leaves. A hybrid of Red maple (Acer rubrum) and Silver maple (Acer saccharinum)
Acer fulvescens / longipes Gold Coin
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Acer fulvescens / longipes Gold Coin

Spring: green/yellow
Summer: green/green
Fall: crimson/bright red
size: 4-6'
Acer griseum (Paper Bark Maple)
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Acer griseum (Paper Bark Maple)

If you are nervous about taking care of an expensive Palmatum or other such JM this one is for you … It has big fuzzy spring buds with hairy new leaves that pop out late, long after any freeze or late frost.. In summer it takes sun and wind well . In fall it holds its leaves late so you get an extended season . And in winter you get that great amber exfoliating bark like a birch but in “see through patches” back-lit by the winter sun… It has the best exfoliation of any tree equaling the River Birch And it exfoliates at a relatively early age. This is a PHENOMENAL tree all year round not just season long. This is simply a hardy stunning tree.
Acer griseum Cinnamon Flake
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Acer griseum Cinnamon Flake

This hybrid Acer griseum x maximowiczianum has extraordinary flaming orange and red fall color and distinctive exfoliating bark.
Acer griseum x saccharum Sugarflake
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Acer griseum x saccharum Sugarflake

Acer griseum x saccharum
Acer macrophyllum Mocha Rose
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Acer macrophyllum Mocha Rose

Pink leaves cover the tree in the spring, then slowly change to mocha brown
Acer macrophyllum Seattle Sentinel
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Acer macrophyllum Seattle Sentinel

Acer Paper Bark Maple (See Acer griseum)
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Acer Paper Bark Maple (See Acer griseum)

Spring: yellow/green   
Summer: green   
Fall; red yellow orange
Size: 6 – 8’

Acer Species: G
Acer platanoides Curly Lamp Post
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Acer platanoides Curly Lamp Post

Spring: yellow/green
Summer: green
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