Acer griseum (Paper Bark Maple)

Acer griseum (Paper Bark Maple)

If you are nervous about taking care of an expensive Palmatum or other such JM this one is for you … It has big fuzzy spring buds with hairy new leaves that pop out late, long after any freeze or late frost.. In summer it takes sun and wind well . In fall it holds its leaves late so you get an extended season . And in winter you get that great amber exfoliating bark like a birch but in “see through patches” back-lit by the winter sun… It has the best exfoliation of any tree equaling the River Birch And it exfoliates at a relatively early age. This is a PHENOMENAL tree all year round not just season long. This is simply a hardy stunning tree.
  • Winter Hardiness: Zone 4 - Down to -30°
  • Summer Hardiness:
  • Tree Size:
  • Tree Form:
  • Leaf Size:
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  • Spring Color:
  • Summer Color:
  • Fall Color: Red