Don’t forget Spring colors in the midst of Fall.

Spring Colors in the midst of Fall

The majority of people only know about the beauty of the Japanese Maples by their Fall colors.  However, there are a number of Japanese Maples which really give it their all in Spring.  Typically, we see these colors more than the customer as the lingering winters prevent shipping these beautiful shows until after the curtain has dropped.

To take in and really appreciate this spectacle, it is best to grab these trees in the fall, or even late spring and wait the entire year for the show to start.  Here are some of our favorites that can be missed if you do not already have them planted and prepared before the show begins. 


Rainbow Mystic mikawa Will's Divine
Acer palmatum Rainbow Acer palmatum Mystic Mikawa Acer palmatum Will’s Divine
Yama nishiki Acer pseudo x First Flame Taylor
Acer palmatum Yama nishiki Acer pseudosieboldianum First Flame Acer palmatum Taylor
Calico Tsukasa Silhouette Ukon Aoyagi
Acer palmatum Calico Acer palmatum Tsukasa silhouette Acer palmatum Ukon / Aoyagi
Rokugatsuen nishiki Lileeanne's Jewel Beni komachi
Acer palmatum Rokugatsu en nishiki Acer palmatum Lileeann’s Jewel Acer palmatum Beni komachi
Geisha Gone Wild Akane Abigail Rose
Acer palmatum Geisha Gone Wild Acer palmatum Akane Acer palmatum Abigail Rose
Geisha Rokugatsuen nishiki Acer Puget Pink
Acer palmatum Geisha Acer palmatum Rokugatsu en nishiki Acer pseudoplatanus Pugent Pink
Japanese Sunrise Davidia inv Sonoma Acer Mocha Rose
Acer palmatum Japanese Sunrise Davidia involucrata Sonoma Acer macrophyllum Mocha Rose
Aesculus Marble Chip Redbud Acer pseudo Nizetti
Aesculus turbinata Marble Chip Cercis canadensis Floating Cloud Acer pseudoplatanus Nizetti


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